FIREARM WARNING: This is a serialized item considered to be a firearm by BATFE. This item must be shipped to a Federal Firearm License (FFL) holder. All BATFE, GCA & NFA rules apply! click here HOW TO BUY A GUN FROM US
Occasionally we get receivers in that have minor scratches or flaws. These receivers are functionally perfect but have cosmetic flaws. May come with or without an installed rail or filler screws depending on availability; if you have a preference, let us know and we will try to accommodate.
ALL RUGER 10/22 receivers left the factory as rifles and must remain rifles. If you want to build a pistol, you must start with either a 22 Charger receiver or a virgin aftermarket receiver.
Brand new factory Ruger 10/22 stripped receivers. Factory take off. Removed a brand new gun right as it came out of the box.